

You Have To Be There

What is it Lord that you want
That I am not seeing?
What in my ignorant prayers
Am I failing to say?
Never before have I questioned the truth of your being
Never once have I dared Never until today
All of a tremble I stand on the edge of confusion
Who is to save me If into the darkness I fall?
Now that I need more than ever my God to be near me
Do you hear when I call?
Are you there after all?
You have to be there, you have to My life
I have placed in thy keep
And without you I am drifting on a dark and stormy sea
You have to be there,
you have to Without you I'd drown in the deep
Too far, too far from land
The waters drag me down
I reach for your hand
And when I die will throw open his arms to receive me?
Who will forgive me and take me and show me his face?
When I go to my rest, who will watch me and wake me?
When my time comes at last, will you grant me your grace?
I am so small of this Earth,
I am nothing without you
Daring to doubt you at all turns a knife in my heart
Little by little I'm losing my way in the shadows
I am losing my hope and the world falls apart
You do have to be there, you have to My life
I have placed in thy keep
And without you I am drifting on a dark and stormy sea
You have to be there, you have to Without you
I'd drown in the deep
Too far, too far from land The waters drag me down
I reach for your hand
You have to be there, you have to
Too far, too far from land
The waters drag me down
I reach for your hand

    懷抱無限夢想,展現令人驚豔的美聲頻率,由素人一夕爆紅的蘇珊波爾,也躍升國際賣座傳奇歌手,征服全球樂迷的心,給予那些曾同病相憐的人們力量,她的親民個性,也讓她的音樂唱至人們內心深處。今年歡度50大壽的蘇珊波爾,自2009年來的一年兩個月中,發行《星光圓夢I Dreamed A Dream》和《星光獻禮The Gift》,銷售已突破一千四百萬張,在五大洲、二十餘個城市榮登排行冠軍。

  來自蘇格蘭小村莊,蘇珊用她美妙嗓音,參加英國版星光大道選秀比賽「Britain’s Got Talent」,並演唱偶像伊蓮佩吉 (Elaine Paige) 的〈I Dreamed A Dream〉,真切、賺人熱淚的影片,一舉在YouTube衝破5億人次點閱率;簽入Simon Cowell自設廠牌Syco旗下的首張作品《星光圓夢I Dreamed A
Dream》未賣先轟動,成為亞馬遜網站「史上最熱賣的預購專輯」!2010年應景作《星光獻禮The Gift》的發行,更讓蘇珊寫下史上第一位,以兩張大碟於不到一年內拿下英美兩地流行排行榜第一名的空前記錄!

  2011年第三張作品《Someone To Watch Over Me》,由三度合作的Steve Mac(里歐娜、美聲男伶、西城男孩)全權掌舵。專輯中10首歌曲,收錄自全球樂迷推薦曲目中選唱,透過歌曲揭錄她對生活的難過與懊惱,失敗的婚姻,悲喜一同湧現!藉由歌曲傳達正面意念,給予慰藉和溫暖關懷之情!開場曲〈You Have To Be There〉,重新以英文版本詮釋音樂劇《克莉絲汀娜 Kristina》中配樂,大量弦樂與鋼琴編曲,加上合唱團增添磅礡氣勢;不朽經典〈Unchained Melody〉,蘇珊以鋼琴單純牽引,帶來慵懶、淡雅的情緒,令人愛不釋手;大膽嘗試的第二波主打〈Enjoy The Silence〉,改編電音搖滾傳奇Depeche Mode 排行作,保留搖滾原味,加入詩班和聲,讓人驚豔,更是專輯不容錯過的精彩傑作;Joni Mitchell催淚作〈Both Sides Now〉,則讓人體會蘇珊豐沛且內練的感情與技巧;Tears For Fears的〈Mad World〉以Acoustic 帶來新浪漫古典風格;代表著失去摯愛心情的〈Autumn Leaves〉,讓蘇珊想起五年前去世的母親,只剩下一人的孤獨不安感。蘇珊的故事已成為非凡重要的傳說,而她的夢想仍繼續在她的歌聲中被傳唱、被流傳!


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